Hi Alan,

Compiling for 64-bit Solaris 10 (SPARC) using Sun Studio 12, see the following warnings (with appropriate lines):

"ttls.c", line 78: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<"
                if ((length & (1 << 31)) != 0) {

"ttls.c", line 217: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<"
                if ((length & (1 << 31)) != 0) {

"ttls.c", line 509: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<"
                       length |= (1 << 31);

"client.c", line 206: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
                       uint32_t mask = ~0;

"radwho.c", line 314: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
        uint32_t nas_port = ~0;

"mainconfig.c", line 167: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1 { "file", PW_TYPE_STRING_PTR, -1, &mainconfig.log_file, "${logdir}/radius.log" },

"mainconfig.c", line 168: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
        { "requests", PW_TYPE_STRING_PTR, -1, &request_log_file, NULL },

"mainconfig.c", line 175: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
        { "log_file", PW_TYPE_STRING_PTR, -1, &mainconfig.log_file, NULL },

"mainconfig.c", line 176: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
        { "log_destination", PW_TYPE_STRING_PTR, -1, &radlog_dest, NULL },

"mainconfig.c", line 184: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
        { "auth", PW_TYPE_BOOLEAN, -1, &mainconfig.log_auth, "no" },

"mainconfig.c", line 235: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: -1
        { "log_auth", PW_TYPE_BOOLEAN, -1, &mainconfig.log_auth, NULL },

Are these anything to be concerned about?



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