
In another recent email Alan mentioned that you cannot override a reject in Post-Auth

post-auth {
>            Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
> #                  attr_filter.access_reject
>                    Auth-Type := Accept
>            }
> }

  It's too late to over-ride the reject at that point.

I want to implement something differently.
I want to override an Accept to a Reject in post-auth (using rlm_perl).

I got the impression from another email that that is possible.

I basically want freeradius to do the PAP/CHAP stuff and AFTER that I
want to do things like check the users CAP.

  Use post-auth.

The way this sounds, is that you can change an Accept into a Reject, but not the other way around in post-auth.

Or am I confused?



Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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