On 2010/05/14 10:35 AM, Alan DeKok wrote:
Johan Meiring wrote:

   The "dynamic clients' code runs modules before the packet is
decoded... but that's only because it doesn't *receive* the packet.  So
any "raw" access to the packet will return nothing.

   What are you doing with the module?  I can't for the life of me see
why it would be useful in *any* situation.

Its dynamic clients.

I use it inside dynamic clients to look up the client via the Nas-Identifier.

My clients don't have fixed IPs. The only way to give different Nas's different shared secrets is by doing this.

You made a modification to dynamic clients a while ago where you could get hold of the whole packet inside dynamic clients.

Dont know if you remember this.

You sent a mail to me about it on Wed, 27 May 2009 14:05:31 +0200
  I've made some changes in revision control that should help you.  The
"dynamic client" virtual server will now receive the *full* RADIUS
packet.  Before, it was impossible to look at the contents.

  You will *still* need to use the "rlm_raw" module to look at the raw
packet contents.  The contents are *not* decoded into attributes, as
happens when receiving normal packets.

  See http://git.freeradius.org/pre  for a tar file that contains the
code changes.  You will need to add rlm_raw to the build.  But after
that, something like the following should work:

authorize {
        if ("%{raw:NAS-Identifier}" == "foo") {

It is definately usefull to me!


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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