On 2010/07/16 05:35 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:
Otherwise, it's possible check by nas-id??


You could try using rlm_raw and dynamic_clients.

Configure your dymanic client virtual server like this.

client dymamic {
  ipaddr =
  netmask = 0
  dynamic_clients = dynamic_nas
  lifetime = 86400

server dynamic_nas {
  authorize {
      update control {
        FreeRADIUS-Client-IP-Address = "%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Require-MA = no
FreeRADIUS-Client-Secret = "%{sql: select RadiusSecret from Nas where Identifier='%{raw:NAS-Identifier}'}"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Shortname = "%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-NAS-Type = "other"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Virtual-Server = "amobia_hotspot"

Tables above are my own, so modify the queries.



Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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