On 2010/07/20 10:50 PM, Mike wrote:
authorize {

if %{ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id} {
update request {
User-Name := "%{ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id}"
Password := "%{ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id}"

Make sure that to add the User-Name (ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id) to
radcheck and
set the password to the value of ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id.

| id | username | attribute | op | value |
| 226529 | adslagent | Cleartext-Password | := | adslagent |
This opens up a security hole I wish to avoid - if someone knows what my
circuit Id's look like, and that database is used in any context where a
user can send an id/password to authenticate that does NOT have
ADSL-Agent-Cirtcuit-Id in it, then I've created a bunch of known user
id's for the bad guys to use. I am happy having a non-default sql
database schema but I think I really need the sql lookup to be being
based on ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id and not User-Name.


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How about this:

I'm 100% sure my syntax is wrong today (I'm not an unlang master yet), but
the idea should work.


authorize {
        if %{ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id} {
if (%{sql: select count(*) from CircuitIdList where CircuitId='%{ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id}'} > 1)
                        Auth-Type = Accept
                        Auth-Type = Reject


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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