Lionne Stangier wrote:
>> You have edited the default configuration files and broken them.
>> You deleted "eap" from the "authorize" section, and then sent the
>> server and EAP request.  Don't do that.
>       It was only a try ;)

  The FAQ, "man radiusd" page, and other documentation all say to *not*
butcher the default configuration.  So... why did you do it?

> I know that they don’t work. Clear Text passwords in the ldap are a no go.
> Cant pap encrypt the passwords and than eap or peap will start?

  You're saying you read the page and understand it, but you're still
asking how to do the impossible.  This means you didn't understand the
web page.

  And using Samba won't help.  Samba is used to do MS-CHAP
authentication to Active Directory.  If you're not running Active
Directory, there is *no* need to use Samba.

  You are are operating under the misconception that there is some magic
configuration which will get PEAP working with MD5 passwords.  No such
configuration exists.  It's impossible.  Stop trying.

  Your messages on this list show that you do not believe the experts
here, or the documentation that we wrote.  If this is really the case,
there is no reason for you to ask questions here.  You have already
decided we don't know what we're talking about, and you have no
intention of following our advice.

  Alan DeKok.
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