
> vlan assignment based on vlan.
> here what i have in my users file
> DEFAULT User-Category == "student"
>         Reply-Message = "Your a member of the student Group",
>         Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
>         Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
>         Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 902,
>         Fall-Through = No
> DEFAULT User-Category == "employee"
>         Reply-Message = "Your a member of the employee Group",
>         Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
>         Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
>         Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 903,
>         Fall-Through = No

your example was employee, which is the second on this list. just a hunch
but I think you need to have 

Fall-Through = Yes

for DEFAULT entries to fall through to other DEFAULT options.

the doc:

# Note that DEFAULT entries can also Fall-Through (see first entry).
# A name-value pair from a DEFAULT entry will _NEVER_ override
# an already existing name-value pair.

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