On 2011/01/04 09:59 PM, Anatoly Ivanov wrote:

I am running freeradius (2.1.8) with rlm_perl (5.10.1, USE_ITHREADS) on a
Debian-Lenny system.

The problem is radius fails with segfault – periodically and intermittently.
I have no way to reliably reproduce the problem – it happens only in
production, and it is impossible to reliably predict when or backtrace why.

It seems that I am running into some kind of memory allocation error.

Coredump type #3 (see below) is the most "popular" one; coredumps with
backtrace going into perl seem to be rather random (it fails in different
parts of libperl.so) - again, see below.

I understand that freeradius has a newer version available - but I am
hesitant to upgrade a production server without a very good reason. And I
could not find such reason for an upgrade after reading the CHANGELOG for
2.1.10. But maybe I am wrong?

Any ideas?

A complete gut feel after reading this says you have a hardware problem - faulty ram.

Has this happened from the beginning or suddenly now?

You can try memtesting (http://www.memtest.org/) the server, or a trick that I've found works sometimes (if you can't take the server out of production) to show a ram problem, is to compile a kernel. I've seen compilation fail at different stages with faulty RAM.

I realiuse the advice might sound ridiculous, but it has worked for me before.


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
Tel: (021) 883-8271
Fax: (021) 886-7782

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