
> I have successfully installed and tested freeRADIUS on centOS with MySQL
> database. But I wanted to test if the freeRADIUS is accessible from
> remote machines as well so I tried to test it using NTRadPing on my
> windows PC, but it always say no response from the server. I have added
> my PC IP to clients.conf.

first question would be why?  end clients never talk to the RADIUS server
directly - the NAS (wireless AP, switch, VPN, RAS etc) do.

however if this is for eg testing another server can talk to it, then simply
add the client to clients.conf, restart FR and ensure the client is allowed
to talk to the RADIUS server (firewall)

> I even tried to telnet 1812 on localhost but it says connection refused.

yep. firewall. adjust your CentOS default firewall settings - 
so that your client can talk to the server on UDP 1812

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