On 2012/05/03 09:37 AM, tonimanel wrote:
Hi everybody,

I have been looking for how to solve this: A user log in to freeradius, and
after the first login, exactly one day later the access should to expire.

User: 'aaa' - 1 day (24hours).
First login: 2012-04-02 12:00:00
Expires on: 2012-04-03 12:00:00

I have enabled sqlcounter_expire_on_login module, when user log in first
time, there are not uses (radacct is empty for this user) but,
sqlcounter_expire_on_login's query returns empty set value, not returns a
valid value (for example 0) so, when freeradius check the return, says this:

Modify your query...

select ifnull((The rest of your query),0)

It will then return 0 when no records are found.


Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
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