Am 26.07.2012 16:16, schrieb Matthew Newton:
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 04:08:04PM +0200, Klaus Klein wrote:
While everything works so far, I just can't get the Session-Timeout to work.
If FreeRADIUS is sending the AVP back to the NAS (which you state
it is), it's the job of the NAS (the AP) to disconnect the user at
the specified time.
The user will keep working until the NAS kicks them off.
As the user isn't being disconnected, it's the NAS that needs
I was afraid it would go down that road. :-(

Any idea how I could pinpoint the problem either from the FreeRADIUS or the 
client side?
I'm just tracing the wpa_supplicant and noticed a message "Cancelling authentication 
Unfortunately, it's not clear what or which side (AP or Client) is causing this 

Is there any way a client could cancel a session timeout?
Or why would a AP do so?

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