On 2012/10/09 02:21 AM, 劉君羿 wrote:
I am using *Chillispot* on my NAS. But it doesn't seem to support CoA. Can
you suggest other AP controllers?
By the way, I though concurrent accounting was a feature that should be
supported. I wonder why it's not supported by the major AAA protocols.

Afaik chillispot (coova chilli) DOES support coa.
Look for 'coaport' in the config file.

With chillispot you can also disconnect the user in the accounting-reply packet.

i.e. instead of sending a coa, you can reply to the accounting update packets in a way that will disconnect the user.

e.g.  Set the remaining time left to 1 second.
Look at 'acctupdate' in the chillispot config.



Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC
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