Russell Mike wrote:
>i also
> came across where guys are discussing EAP and MAC authentication. i
> could not conclude, if it is a better way of doing
> MAC authentication using EAP.

  To be clear: you don't.  EAP is authentication.  MAC "authentication"
is just checking if the MAC address is in a known list.

  Terminology matters.  Using the right terminology means that the
solution is usually simple.  Using the wrong terminology means you're
using the wrong design.

> How to store MACs in MySQL database. Perhaps, i need to
> create additional table to store MAC, Honestly, i am not sure how to go
> about it. Is there any documentation that i may do NOT know of. and i
> can follow to finish the setup. 

  If all you want is a "known MAC" list, then just put them into a table
in SQL.  Then, select MAC addresses from the table at run time.  If
they're found, continue.  If not, reject.

  Alan DeKok.
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