I'm playing around with CUI generation with FreeRADIUS 2.2.0 and discovered 
something odd.

In policy.conf I've set cui_require_operator_name = 1 and cui_hash_key = 
"4c2982f2f3b1dc4804994cf386db8c0a34d4ab2a". As you can see it's a 32-character 
string and it looks like a hash.

In radiusd -X output I get this:

Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=17, 
                User-Name = "st...@diamond.ac.uk"
                User-Password = "testing"
                NAS-IP-Address =
                NAS-Port = 0
                Message-Authenticator = 0x80a453196d15a8e68ba13642ba725b24
                Proxy-State = 0x30
                Operator-Name = "1camford.ac.uk"
                Chargeable-User-Identity = ""
                Proxy-State = 0x313630
# Executing section authorize from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+- entering group authorize {...}
++? if (!(User-Name =~ /@/))
?? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@/) -> TRUE
? Converting !TRUE -> FALSE
++? if (!(User-Name =~ /@/)) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@$/)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@$/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@$/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?@/)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@.+?@/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?@/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?[^[:alnum:]\\.-]/)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@.+?[^[:alnum:]\\.-]/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?[^[:alnum:]\\.-]/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@[\\.-]/)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@[\\.-]/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@[\\.-]/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?[\\.-]$/)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@.+?[\\.-]$/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?[\\.-]$/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@[^\\.]+$/)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@[^\\.]+$/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@[^\\.]+$/) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?\\.\\./)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@.+?\\.\\./) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?\\.\\./) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@myabc\\.com$/i)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@myabc\\.com$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@myabc\\.com$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ 
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ 
/@wlan\\.[[:alnum:]]+\\.[[:alnum:]]+\\.3gppnetwork\\.org$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ 
/@wlan\\.[[:alnum:]]+\\.[[:alnum:]]+\\.3gppnetwork\\.org$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@gmail\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@gmail\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i) -> 
++? if (User-Name =~ /@gmail\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@yahoo\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@yahoo\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i) -> 
++? if (User-Name =~ /@yahoo\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@hotmail\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@hotmail\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i) -> 
++? if (User-Name =~ /@hotmail\\.co(m|\\.[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]])$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@\\.?ac\\.uk$/i)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@\\.?ac\\.uk$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@\\.?ac\\.uk$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?\\.ax\\.uk$/i)
? Evaluating (User-Name =~ /@.+?\\.ax\\.uk$/i) -> FALSE
++? if (User-Name =~ /@.+?\\.ax\\.uk$/i) -> FALSE
++[preprocess] returns ok
++[chap] returns noop
++[mschap] returns noop
++[digest] returns noop
[suffix] Looking up realm "diamond.ac.uk" for User-Name = "st...@diamond.ac.uk"
[suffix] Found realm "diamond.ac.uk"
[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "steve"
[suffix] Adding Realm = "diamond.ac.uk"
[suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.
++[suffix] returns ok
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] returns noop
[files] users: Matched entry steve at line 76
++[files] returns ok
++[expiration] returns noop
++[logintime] returns noop
++[pap] returns updated
Found Auth-Type = PAP
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+- entering group PAP {...}
[pap] login attempt with password "testing"
[pap] Using clear text password "testing"
[pap] User authenticated successfully
++[pap] returns ok
# Executing section post-auth from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+- entering group post-auth {...}
++- entering policy cui_postauth {...}
+++? if (FreeRadius-Proxied-To ==
    (Attribute FreeRadius-Proxied-To was not found)
? Evaluating (FreeRadius-Proxied-To == -> FALSE
+++? if (FreeRadius-Proxied-To == -> FALSE
+++- entering else else {...}
++++? if (!("%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}") && Chargeable-User-Identity && 
!(reply:Chargeable-User-Identity) && (Operator-Name || 
!("${policy.cui_require_operator_name}")) )
                expand: %{control:Proxy-To-Realm} ->
?? Evaluating ("%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}") -> FALSE
? Converting !FALSE -> TRUE
? Evaluating (Chargeable-User-Identity ) -> TRUE
?? Evaluating (reply:Chargeable-User-Identity) -> FALSE
? Converting !FALSE -> TRUE
?? Evaluating (Operator-Name ) -> TRUE
??? Skipping ("${policy.cui_require_operator_name}")
++++? if (!("%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}") && Chargeable-User-Identity 
&&!(reply:Chargeable-User-Identity) && (Operator-Name || 
!("${policy.cui_require_operator_name}")) ) -> TRUE
++++- entering if (!("%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}") && Chargeable-User-Identity 
&&!(reply:Chargeable-User-Identity) && (Operator-Name || 
!("${policy.cui_require_operator_name}")) ) {...}
+++++[reply] returns noop
++++- if (!("%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}") && Chargeable-User-Identity && 
!(reply:Chargeable-User-Identity) && (Operator-Name || 
!("${policy.cui_require_operator_name}")) ) returns noop
+++- else else returns noop
++- policy cui_postauth returns noop

As you can see, the expand: bit shows an empty value. Then I changed my 
cui_hash_key to "01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef" and it did the same. 
However, when I set cui_hash_key to a hex string that was not 32 characters in 
length ("abcdef" as an example), or a non-hex string of any length, it works 
ok. So I'm guessing here that if the cui_hash_key  happens to be a string that 
is a potentially valid MD5 hash, the md5 operator in the CUI generation 
statement does nothing or barfs.

Working fragment:

++++- entering if (!("%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}") && Chargeable-User-Identity 
&&!(reply:Chargeable-User-Identity) && (Operator-Name || 
!("${policy.cui_require_operator_name}")) ) {...}
expand: %{Operator-Name} -> 1camford.ac.uk
expand: abcdef%{User-Name}%{%{Operator-Name}:-} -> 
expand: %{md5:abcdef%{User-Name}%{%{Operator-Name}:-}} -> 
+++++[reply] returns noop

If this is known already, then that's fine (because it means you'll probably 
fix it in the future). Just thought I'd flag this up. In the meanwhile I've 
changed my cui_hash_key to something non-hex to avoid this issue.

Stefan Paetow
Software Engineer
+44 1235 778812
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE


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