Hello all,
I'm trying to use rlm_sqlcounter to disable login once time exceeded together with unlang to
set Session-Timeout. I can get either to work but having trouble getting both 
to work.

Right now the Session-Timeout (computed below in the post auth section) works 

update reply {
       Session-Timeout := "%{expr: %{check:Max-All-Session-Time}-%{sql:select 
sum(acctsessiontime) from radacct where username='%{User-Name}'}}"

The radacct table is populated and the session timeout is computed properly 
across logins.

But the check provide by the below setup fails to prevent login (auth) when the 
time goes to zero.

sqlcounter noresetcounter {
        counter-name = Max-All-Session-Time
                check-name = Max-All-Session
                sqlmod-inst = sql
                key = User-Name
                reset = never
        query = "SELECT IFNULL(SUM(AcctSessionTime),0) FROM radacct WHERE 

My test radcheck table looks like:

mysql> select * from radcheck;
| id | username | attribute            | op | value   |
|  1 | wrs      | Cleartext-Password   | := | test123 |
|  2 | wrs      | Max-All-Session-Time | := | 600     |

I can provide the whole radiusd -X log if this is not enough info;

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