manjunath uthappa ponnachana wrote:
> I am trying to test this and trying to execute SQL query from free
> radius which will take more time than max_request_time. But free radius
> is not sending reject message instead it comes out with an error "no
> response from the server".

  That's how it works.

  The problem is that the call to SQL is blocking at the OS layer.  i.e.
FreeRADIUS isn't running any more for that thread.  So it's pretty much
impossible *forcibly* stop that SQL query.

  The solution to a slow database is to fix the database.  Poking
FreeRADIUS won't work.  Any changes you make to FreeRADIUS will make the
problem worse.

  There is NO reason why an SQL database takes more than .1s to return
from a query.  If it does, your database is horribly broken.

  Alan DeKok.
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