On 17.07.2013 12:29, Okis Chuang wrote:
But the situation I encountered is :

1.I need to save some information returned in Access-Accept from
external AAA in the attribute **Class** at the section **post-auth**. So
it will return back to gateway.

2.Then gateway will send Accounting-Start to my server. In this time, I
need to pop out the information I saved in the attribute **Class** in
the section **accounting** so that I can generate the avp what I need.

Hence, it cannot work by using Tmp-XXX internal attribute because those
two events occur in two different sessions to FreeRADIUS.

I thought Tmp-* attributes will not exist across two sessions at the
same time.

So that way I must choose some kind of attribute that gateway must
return back for saving temporary attribute value.

Well with the release 3.0.0 you can use the new rlm_cache module that will allow to do that quite easily.

And (again with 3.0.0) you can do a foreach on your multi valued attributes, and erase those you don't need in the loop.


 Olivier Beytrison
 Network & Security Engineer, HES-SO Fribourg
 Mail: oliv...@heliosnet.org
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