On 10/10/13 15:01, a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk wrote:

Any chance you can point me in the direction of these?
heres one:


Semi-related, but to my annoyance we're seeing rather less SSL
resumption than I would expect, given that iOS and Android both do
it by default.
Cisco wireless problem?

theres go to be something messing us up here as we are using the
same FreeRADIUS as last year (2.2.0), seeing the same number of concurrent
clients as at the end of the last academic year (around 8k) and
we didnt have this number of those errors then....


Can confirm that we at Bristol (Cisco wireless, MS AD auth backend) are also seeing load problems at peak times (every hour, at lecture change-over time when approximately one billion iPhones start roaming the campus). We're also not seeing as much session resumption as we'd expect. We're also seeing the same messages as reported in this thread.

Will be watching this thread with interest - happy to test patches etc.

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