Hi Lonnie and Martin,

On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 08:32:40AM -0500, Lonnie Cumberland via FreeRDP-devel 
> It seems that the FreeRDP folks pulled directFB support from FreeRDp with
> the last release that I could find being Release 2.0.0-RC4 and although I
> had also tried to ask if they could, or would, add it back into the latest
> versions, it seemed that they were not interested or had the available time
> to do it.
directFB was marked as unmaintained in the middle of 2013. We've tried to
pull it along and keep it alive as long as possible. At some point we
disabled the client and removed it some while later before releasing 2.0.0.
It would have taken some time to re-work and improve the directFB client
(get it updated with the ongoing core changes and such) but none of the
developers was actively using it and unfortunately nobody stepped up to
help with it ;(. 

> I actually still need a viable RDP client with all of the capabilities of
> FreeRDP that allows for directFB and may try to look back into it more if I
> can get some time.
If someone decides to work on it and likes to maintain it we would
happily re-add it.
But if you need something that doesn't require wayland or X11 a egl
(or similar) backend would noways also be worth a thought.
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 4:15 AM Martin Ciglan via FreeRDP-devel <
> freerdp-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> > Hello all. is there any support for directFB in this mailing group?
You can try. If we can help we for sure will ;).

Best regards,

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