
android client was written a long time ago and freerdp (library)
improved a lot since then.

the queue is there to send all events on the RDP main thread.

You can also do that in different threads now, but be warned, there will
be some log entries if messages occur before the RDP session is in the
correct state (the events will be discarded in that case)



On 09.08.22 09:41, 김찬수 via FreeRDP-devel wrote:
> hello,
> I am making RDP available on the web using JNI and FreeRDP like the Android 
> version.
> In Android_client,
> If look at the Android_freerdp_run function in Android_freerdp.c,I can see 
> that there is an Android_check_handle function in the main loop.
> I know the structure and use of it.
> However, when I call events such as keyboard and mouse using jni, I call 
> something like 'freeerdp_client_send_button_event' directly within the JNI 
> function without using a queue.
> In short, event calls -> insert into quque -> main loop checks the queue and 
> does not go through the logic of event processing.
> Is there any problem if I call the event immediately without using the main 
> loop?
> Because I use JNI, the stability of the freeRDP library is very important 
> (the server is forced to shut down in case of a crash).
> Can you tell me why use this method?
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