I've try switch "-encryption" without any results - log is same.

Then, I've get version builded 2022-09-16. No any problems:

[08:54:47:710] [7620:029ceb60] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Error: SSL_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SERVER [08:54:47:714] [7620:029ceb60] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Error: SSL_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SERVER [08:54:48:116] [7620:029ceb60] [INFO][com.freerdp.gdi] - Local framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16 [08:54:48:116] [7620:029ceb60] [INFO][com.freerdp.gdi] - Remote framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16 [08:54:48:119] [7620:029ceb60] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.rdpdr.client] - Loading device service drive [dnl] (static) [08:54:48:130] [7620:029ceb60] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.rdpsnd.client] - [static] Loaded dart backend for rdpsnd [08:54:48:136] [7620:029ceb60] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.drdynvc.client] - Loading Dynamic Virtual Channel rdpsnd [08:54:48:136] [7620:029ceb60] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.drdynvc.client] - Loading Dynamic Virtual Channel ainput [08:54:50:634] [7620:0626f720] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.rdpdr.client] - registered [ drive] device #1: dnl (type=8 id=1)

12.01.23 08:35, Eric Brown via FreeRDP-devel пишет:
If you can install and run the previous version of the client that worked
and capture the log from a successful connection, it will tell a lot (and
also verify that it isn't something that changed on the server).

I don't know enough about the current state of FreeRDP to know offhand if
something changed in the retry/negotiate security level part of the
connection logic, but it's possible.

You can use the command line option to force RDP level encryption, and
bypass the negotiating of the security level. If as you say you always saw
the SSL_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SERVER log message previously, this is likely to
make it work


On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 9:12 PM Andrey Vasilkin via FreeRDP-devel <
freerdp-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:


With the latest versions (sources updated today) I get this when
connecting to one of my servers:

[13:58:48:576] [2951:029f3a00] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Error:
[13:58:48:597] [2951:029f3a00] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Error:
[13:58:48:998] [2951:029f3a00] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.license] -
license binary blob::type BB_CERTIFICATE_BLOB, length=0, skipping.
[13:58:49:042] [2951:029f3a00] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.license] - short
license new/upgrade::blob::version, expected 8 bytes, got 0
[13:58:49:042] [2951:029f3a00] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
rdp_recv_callback_int: CONNECTION_STATE_LICENSING status
[13:58:49:042] [2951:029f3a00] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.transport] -
transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() - STATE_RUN_FAILED [-1]
[13:58:49:042] [2951:029f3a00] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] -

Lines "Error: SSL_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_SERVER" were also in those days when
everything worked with old versions of freerdp.
This happens when connecting to only one server (Windows Server 2008
R2), there are no problems with several other servers and workstations.


All we are saying is give peace a chance. /John Lennon/

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