
FreeRDP version 2.11.0 was just released:

As usual, the archive can be downloaded from:


FreeRDP 2.11.0 is a security and maintainance release.

Noteworthy changes:
* Various input validation fixes
* Added various CMake options #9317
* LibreSSL build fixes #8709

Fixed issues:
* Backported #9233: Big endian support
* Backported #9099: Mouse grabbing support
* Backported #6851: wayland scrolling fix
* Backported #8690: Update h264 to use new FFMPEG API
* Backported #7306: early bail from update_read_window_state_order breaks protocol
* Backported #8903: rdpecam/server: Remove wrong assertion
* Backported #8994: bounds checks for gdi/gfx rectangles
* Backported #9023: enforce rdpdr client side state checks
* Backported #6331: deactivate mouse grabbing by default
* Cherry-pick out of #9172: channels/cliprdr: Fix writing incorrect PDU type for unlock PDUs

Best regards,
the FreeRDP team.

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