Hi Antonella, first of all, FDR and clusterwise correction are doing 
different things. Technically, you don't get clusters from FDR. FDR will 
choose a voxel-wise threshold for you, and any voxel above threshold can 
be interpreted as surviving FDR (but you should know how to interpret it 
-- see Tom Nichols' paper). Of course, many of the voxels may appear as 
clusters. In your case, FDR found a voxel-wise threshold of 3.8 
(meaning  p<1.5849e-04). The fastest way to get the values you want is 
to go outside of QDEC. First, run mri_surfcluster using a threshold of 
3.8 (--thmin 3.8). Specify an output cluster number map (--ocn ocn.mgh) 
and a summary file (--sum sum.dat). This will produce a lot of 
"clusters", two of which should be the ones below (you can prune the 
list by specifying that the clusters need to be a certain size 
(--minarea). Once you have the ocn file, you can run mri_segstats, 
something like
    mri_segstats --seg ocn.mgh --i y.mgh --avgwf avgwf.dat  --excludeid 0
y.mgh is the glmfit input file created by qdec. This will produce 
avgwf.dat which will have a column for each cluster, the order will be 
the same as that in sum.dat.


On 07/18/2012 11:25 AM, Antonella Kis wrote:
> Dear FS team,
> I am doing a cortical thickness study using QDEC. I used FDR and got 
> the following clusters:
> Generating cluster stats using min threshold of 3.8...
> Found 2 clusters
> Contrast: 'lh-Diff-Class1-Class2-Intercept-thickness', 15fwhm, DOF: 69
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax  Size(mm2)   TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs Annotation
> ---------  ---   ------  ---------   ----   ----   ---- ----- ----------
>      1   -3.8743   18231      4.55   -39.8    1.5   14.1   14  precentral
>      2   -3.8065   47386      2.66    -8.2   33.1   33.9    4  superiorfrontal
> ============================================================
>   I need to get the cortical thickness values from each subject within 
> this clusters so I am trying to use
> mri_glmfit-sim with --cache option and I wonder what value should I 
> choose in this case for cache (2, 3.3 or 4)
> and what --cwpvalthresh 0.05 or .025  to get the same results as FDR's 
> results.
> I tried:
> mri_glmfit-sim \
> --glmdir lh.L_frontal.glmdir \
> --cache 3 neg \
> --cwpvalthresh .05 \
> --overwrite
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    
> CWPLow    CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot
>    1       -3.874   18231    320.36    -39.8    1.5   14.1  0.02610  
> 0.02410  0.02820   949  precentral
>    2       -3.807   47386    700.61     -8.2   33.1   33.9  0.00020  
> 0.00000  0.00040  1053  superiorfrontal
> so as you can see the clusters are the same but their Size and NVtxs 
> is so different. What is wrong?
> Thank you for your time and help.
> Antonella
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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