Hi Doug,
I would like to inquire about the command " mri_binarize". In the past, this 
command was able to create a binarized nifti mask from aseg.mgz, wmparc.mgz 
.... etc without the need to convert the output "mgz" files to nifti. In other 
words If I want to create a mask for the precentral gyrus I was using the 

mri_binarize --i aseg.mgz  --o precentral.nii --match 1024

The command was able to create the mask and convert it to nifti file at once, 
but right now if the output is nifti file, it returns empty so I need to make 
the output "mgz" then convert it to nifti!!

Is this real or I am missing something? Thanks for any advice!

By the way I see this issue came up recently and in both freesurfer V 5.3 and V6


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