Dear FS experts,
I ran cortical thickness analysis as previously explained in Wiki :


1.       My data is previously cached so I ran the command : mris_preproc 
--fsgd gender_age.fsgd  --cache-in thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage  --target 
fsaverage --hemi lh  --out lh.gender_age.thickness.10.mgh

2.       GLM analysis: mri_glmfit  --y lh.gender_age.thickness.10.mgh  --fsgd 
gender_age.fsgd dods --C lh-Avg-thickness-age-Cor.mtx  --surf fsaverage lh  
--cortex  --glmdir lh.gender_age.glmdir

3.       Correction for multiple comparison  mri_glmfit-sim  --glmdir 
lh.gender_age.glmdir  --cache 4 neg  --cwp  0.05  --2spaces

In order to do cluster-wise correction for multiple comparisons, I ran the 
command "mri_glmfit-sim" (step3). This command is calling, internally, the 
command "mri_surfcluster" as follow:

mdline mri_surfcluster --in lh//2G0C/sig.mgh --csd 
 --mask lh//mask.mgh --cwsig lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.sig.cluster.mgh --vwsig 
lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.sig.voxel.mgh --sum 
lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.sig.cluster.summary --ocn 
lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.sig.ocn.mgh --oannot 
lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.sig.ocn.annot --annot aparc --csdpdf 
lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.pdf.dat --cwpvalthresh 0.05 --o 
lh//2G0C/cache.th13.pos.sig.masked.mgh --no-fixmni --bonferroni 2 --surf white

Kindly, I have the following questions:

1.       How the command mri_surfcluster choose the fwhm for the flag "csd" . 
In the previous command it shows fwhm=15.

2.       What is purpose of using the flag Bonferroni in the previous command

3.       If we are doing cluster wise correction, what is theexact usage of the 
flag "--vwsig"

Thanks for your patience !
Looking forward to learn from you

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