What are you using to compute the significance of the difference using the ROI 

On 11/30/2020 7:59 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Yes, what should I do if there is something wrong

发件人:"Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." 
发送时间:2020-11-30 01:22:22 (星期一)
收件人: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} 

You mean that you are getting a different result between the voxel wise 
analysis and the ROI-wise analysis? And you created the ROI from the region 
that is significant in the voxel-wise analysis? If so, then I think something 
is wrong

On 11/17/2020 8:08 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

I got the sum area and average area of the label, there is no significant 
difference between the mTBI group and health control, either.However, the label 
was significant different in the fsaverage between mTBI group and health 
control after multiple control. Did this correct?

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-11-16 23:48:37 (星期一)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed}

The lh_areapial.avgwf.dat has a value for each subject. That value will be 
whatever the y.mgh is. If you want a different value, then create a new y.mgh 
file. Also, I forgot to tell you to include --sumwf so that the avgwf file has 
the sum and not the average.

On 11/14/2020 5:24 AM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

  I am sorry for that my presentation was not that good, the lh_areapial.sum and

lh_areapial.avgwf.dat file are uploaded, I get only one area value in the 
lh_areapial.sum file

with the following command.

--i qdec/Areapial_15_L/y.mgh
--slabel fsaverage lh lh.areapial.label
--avgwf lh_areapial.avgwf.dat
--sum lh_areapial.sum
--exclude 0

My question was that how can I get the value of the area and volume in the 
standard space for every TBI and health control subjects.

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-11-13 23:03:50 (星期五)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed}

sorry, I don't know what you are asking

On 11/12/2020 8:30 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Thanks! I get only one area value in the lh_areapial.sum file with this command:

--i qdec/Areapial_15_L/y.mgh
--slabel fsaverage lh lh.areapial.label
--avgwf lh_areapial.avgwf.dat
--sum lh_areapial.sum
--exclude 0

(1)Should I extract the area and volume one by one with the following command 
for each subject:

--i qdec/Areapial_15_L/y.mgh
--slabel fsaverage lh subjid/label/lh.areapial.label(this label file was mapped 
to every subject from the fsaverage)
--avgwf lh_areapial.avgwf.dat
--sum lh_areapial.sum
--exclude 0

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-11-12 22:23:13 (星期四)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed}

No, the area will be under the "Mean" column. Sorry, I know it is confusing. 
Also, you will just want to use the 2nd row. You can eliminate the first row 
with --exclude 0

On 11/12/2020 5:39 AM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Thank you very much, I get lh_areapial.avgwf.dat and lh_areapial.sum file after 
the mri_segstats command

(1) Does the lh_areapial.avgwf.dat contain areas value for all my subject?

(2) When I extract the volumes, the lh_volume.sum displays the unit for the 
volume is Area_mm2(Blue color). Is this correct?

ColHeaders  Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2  StructName  Mean          StdDev    
  Min        Max       Range
              1   0    161058     81037.1   Seg0000   242940.3281    0.7312     
0.0000     3.8885     3.8885
              2   1      2784     1182.3    Seg0001    3760.6619     0.2525     
0.7136     1.8140     1.1005

Following is the code for extracting volumes
--i qdec/Volume_15_L/y.mgh (y.mgh was created after Qdec)
--slabel fsaverage lh lh.volume.label (This was the label extracted from the 
fsaverage after multi-correction)
--avgwf lh_volume.avgwf.dat (output file)
--sum lh_volume.sum (output file)

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-11-11 23:58:20 (星期三)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed} {Disarmed} {Disarmed}

Sorry, try this

--i qdec/Areapial_15_L/y.mgh (y.mgh was created after Qdec)
--slabel fsaverage lh lh.areapial.label (This was the label extracted from the 
fsaverage after multi-correction)
--avgwf lh_areapial.avgwf.dat (output file)
--sum lh_areapial.sum (output file)
On 11/5/2020 10:26 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

I tried following codes according to the suggestions, the terminal reported an 
error: cannot do frame average without input volume
--seg qdec/Areapial_15_L/y.mgh (y.mgh was created after Qdec)
--slabel fsaverage lh lh.areapial.label (This was the label extracted from the 
fsaverage after multi-correction)
--avgwf lh_areapial.avgwf.dat (output file)
--sum lh_areapial.sum (output file)

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-11-05 22:37:07 (星期四)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed} {Disarmed}

--slabel fsaverage lh /path/to/lh.areapial.label

On 11/2/2020 10:24 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Thank you very much! I tried to extract the areas with the following codes:
--seg qdec/Areapial_15_L/y.mgh (y.mgh was created after Qdec)
--slabel lh.areapial.label (This was the label extracted from the fsaverage 
after multi-correction)
--avgwf lh_areapial.avgwf.dat (output file)
--sum lh_areapial.sum (output file)
I did not get a text file including the areas of all subjects. Is this code 

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-11-02 23:36:14 (星期一)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject {Disarmed}

I think the reason for this may be that the data in fsaverage space (after 
mris_preproc) will have had a jacobian correction which will not be in data on 
the native surface. For this reason, I would not use #1. #2 is fine.You can 
apply your label in fsaverage space to the y.mgh used as input to mri_segstats 
specifying the label using --slabel and using --avgwf output and also use 
--accumulate; run it with --help for more info. This will create a text file of 
the areas or volumes (depending upon which y.mgh you input) all your subjects 
for that label.

On 10/30/2020 10:37 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Professors:

  I compared the thickness, area, volume in the mild traumatic brain injury 
patients with health control by FreeSurFer, and found statistic difference 
region in the cortex area, volume respectively. I defined the statistic 
difference regions as a label on the fsaverage and mapped this label to 
subjects by Qdec/mri_label2label. The label defined on the fsaverage was mapped 
onto all subjects successfully, and the label in subjects matched well with the 
inflated cortex of subjects in Freeview  Then the value of the label in every 
single subjects was extracted, and I found that there is no statistic 
difference in the value regarding to the area and volume between the mild 
traumatic brain injury patients and health control subjects. Following are my 

(1)Can I carry out correlation analysis between the cortex area and volume with 
the behavior scores through these non-statistical extracted values?

(2)Can I extract the value of cortex area and volume in the standard space for 
every TBI and health control subjects, and carry out correlation analysis 
between the cortex area and volume with the behavior scores. How can I extract 
the value of cortex area and volume in the standard space for every TBI and 
health control subjects

Best wishes
Mengjun Li

发件人:"Douglas N. Greve" <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
发送时间:2020-10-30 23:40:30 (星期五)
收件人: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
主题: Re: [Freesurfer] Extract he value of area and volume in the fsaverage for 
every subject

Do you mean you compared your TBI subjects against fsaverage? That is not 
proper methodology.

On 10/29/2020 9:51 PM, 李梦君 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear FreeSurfer Developers:

   I compared the cortical thickness, area, volume in the mild traumatic brain 
injury patients with health control by FreeSurFer, and found a statistic 
difference region in the cortex area and volume after correction. How can I 
extract the value of cortex area and volume for every subject in the fsaverage 
with the code of mri_segstats

FreeSurfer version: freesurfer-Darwin-OSX-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c
Platform: macOS High Sierra.

Best wishes
Mengjun Li
Second Xiangya Hospital
Central South University

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