Sorry, I can't tell from your email what the problem is. Can you elaborate?

On 12/9/2020 2:30 PM, najme soleimani wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
I downloaded the HCP_1200 subjects' structural extended data. I am attempting 
to have equal sized parcellation on scale 100, so I used parcellation results 
of Desikan atlas and increased the parcels from 68 to 100.
after obtaining split file, I run the following commands on FreeSurfer:
mris_divide_parcellation subj lh aparc.annot splitfile Desikan100
mris_divide_parcellation subj rh aparc.annot splitfile Desikan100
mri_aparc2aseg --s subj --annot Desikan100 --old-ribbon --o 
The interesting part is that after running this command some disconnectivity 
were seen in the parcels as it is shown in the picture. In 3D view, also, when 
the parcels were loaded on dsi studio, there were some holes on the parcels 
which  caused disconnected parcels.
I will appreciate if you help me to solve this problem.

kind regards,

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