Run recon-all on the MNI template, then view your ROI on the output volume, 
including the surfaces to verify that the surfaces pass through your ROI. Map 
the ROI to the surface using mri_vol2surf with the --regheader option, then map 
the surface-ROI to each subject with mris_apply_reg (make sure to use the 
--no-rev) option, then run mri_segstats something like
mri_segstats --i lh.thickness --seg  roi-in-this-subject.mgz --id 1 --sum 
Then you can run asegstats2table with --statsfile=roi.stats -m mean to get a 
table across your subjects

On 12/20/2020 5:36 PM, Paul Dhami wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Freesurfer community,

I have a volumetric roi.nii file created with spm, based on MNI coordinates 
from the literature.

My goal is to do a roi analysis in Freesurfer, as I am interested in 
correlating the thickness values of this roi with a behavioral measurer.

However, I am lost as to how I can appropriately convert this volumetric 
roi.nii file to a label.

I hate to ask for too much, but can anyone briefly share the commands or steps 
as to how to convert this roi.nii file to a label so I can conduct an roi 
analysis within Freesurfer?

Thank you very much,

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