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I am running some freesurfer processes
(freesurfer-linux-centos7_x86_64-7.3.2-20220804-6354275) via fmriprep
23.1.3 (singularity container version) and I'm getting the error below when
running the mris_expand command. Below is the output from frmiprep but it's
clear it's a freesurfer-specific error (I've highlighted the freesurfer
command, output, and error in red). There was another post with the buffer
overflow detected error (different command though) and it did not have a
posted solution.

Node: _midthickness0
Working directory:

Node inputs:

args = <undefined>
distance = 0.5
dt = <undefined>
environ = {'SUBJECTS_DIR': '/opt/freesurfer/subjects'}
graymid = <undefined>
in_file =
nsurfaces = <undefined>
out_name = midthickness
pial = <undefined>
smooth_averages = <undefined>
sphere = sphere
spring = <undefined>
subjects_dir = /opt/freesurfer/subjects
thickness = True
thickness_name = <undefined>
write_iterations = <undefined>

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 67, in run_node
    result["result"] = node.run(updatehash=updatehash)
line 527, in run
    result = self._run_interface(execute=True)
line 645, in _run_interface
    return self._run_command(execute)
line 771, in _run_command
    raise NodeExecutionError(msg)
nipype.pipeline.engine.nodes.NodeExecutionError: Exception raised while
executing Node _midthickness0.

mris_expand -pial
-thickness -thickness_name
reading pial surface from
using distance as a % of thickness
using thickness file
expanding surface
by 50.0% of thickness and writing it to
reading thickness...
*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
Aborted (core dumped)
RuntimeError: subprocess exited with code 134.
Amanda Rodrigue, PhD
Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
1 Autumn St.
Boston, MA 02215
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