Dear all:

since image quality is one of the most important aspect
for a reliable image processing and good results also
in using the procedures of the FreeSurfer package, I would
like to ask all collegues with sufficient expertise, which
to their experience are the best MRI pulse sequences to

We are using a Siemens Vision (1.5 Tesla) and tried the

TR = 30 ms
TE = 5 ms
flip angle = 40 Grad
slice thickness = 1 mm
matrix = 256 x 256

TE = 4.4 ms
TR = 4.4 ms
TI = 300 ms
flip angle = 15 Grad
slice thickness = 1.25 mm
matrix = 200 x 256

Both give decent but not at all perfect images.
Especially the segmentation step requires very good contrast
at very low noise and no intensity gradients across the images.
We experience that the created surfaces as checked with
MEDIT or other image processing tools are very often not
satisfactory and that a lot of manual editing is required,
which in turn requires a good knowledge of anatomy ...

Would be grateful for any help.

Many thanks

Uwe Pietrzyk

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Uwe Pietrzyk
Institut für Medizin
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich
Tel: +49-2461-61 4763
Fax: +49-2461-61 2820 + 8229
Mobil: +49-172-213-2155

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