On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Jeremy Kiffiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Michael,
> I have confirmed the issue with search myself and double-checked it
> against the search functionality of my own MediaWiki installation and
> that of Wikipedia.  Something is definitely borked.  It would appear
> that searching by article title is successful but searching by
> specific content results in a negative hit result.
> I would be curious to know which release of MediaWiki the FreeSWITCH
> site is using currently.  Perhaps an update is in order?  Or if
> something is seriously borked then a re-install may be required...?
> As an interim solution I have created a wiki page titled TDM that has
> some basic
> information as well as a link to the OpenZAP wiki entry.
> I will keep poking around in MediaWiki forums and such and will get
> back to you if I find a more definitive solution.


I still don't fully understand how to use the searching effectively on
MediaWiki. For example, if I search the FS WIKI for "search*" then a set of
pages come up (Dialplan XML is not one of them). If I change the search term
to "searching" then Dialplan XML shows up. Theoretically, the wildcard after
"search" should match "searching" but it doesn't.

- Gonzalo
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