On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Mark Campbell-Smith <
mcampbellsm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> How can I access the variables that are defined in a users xml file?
> For example, say user 1000 has a variable called smsnumber, as defined
> below:
> <include>
>  <user id="1000" mailbox="1000">
>    <params>
>      <param name="password" value="1000"/>
>    </params>
>    <variables>
>      <variable name="smsnumber" value="12345"/>
>    </variables>
>  </user>
> </include>
> How can I use variable ${smsnumber} in a dialplan to run a perl script
> using <action application="system" data="sms.pl"/> ?
Do you just want to pass the value in smsnumber to the sms.pl script? Have
you tried this?

<action application="system" data="sms.pl ${smsnumber}"/>

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