> I have had great success with Google's older NotoColorEmoji.ttf and
> NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf released by Google in 2019.
> However they have since updated their fonts. They now have a font
> NotoColorEmoji-Regular.ttf

They have?  Looking at 


the most recent color emoji font (v2.038 from 2022-Sept-16) is still
called `NotoColorEmoji.ttf`.  Whence did you get the font?

> I use the code below to load 😀 0x1f600. Further below is the gdb dump
> of the glyph struct with the non-working and working font when trying
> to load the same unicode code-point.
> As you can see the bitmap struct is not populated.
> Can anyone help?

Please have a look how `ftview` is doing this.


The abovementioned font from the git repository gets loaded just fine.


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