> We have had no problem using FT2 with our own allocators (we work on
> systems were malloc() and free(), and possibly dynamic allocation entirely,
> are not present)
> So either I am doing it wrong, or Tom van Dick is doing it wrong.

a totally unintentional spelling error ;) I like it....

Anyway, I guess you're right though, this simple yet elegant solution had
simply not occurred to me, which is retarded....
The solution below seems to be exactly what I need and want to do, and I'm
sorry for even asking the other thing.


> Here's what I do:
> 1) We have our own struct that contains both the ft library and an
> FT_Memory object.
> 2) We initialize the fields in the FT_Memory object so that our callbacks
> are called.
> 3) We call FT_New_Library and tell it to use our memory object. This is the
> first FT2 API call.
>        // Initialize freetype2
>        lib->ft_memory.alloc    = sf_FTalloc;
>        lib->ft_memory.free     = sf_FTfree;
>        lib->ft_memory.realloc  = sf_FTrealloc;
>        lib->ft_memory.user     = lib;
>        ft_err = FT_New_Library( &lib->ft_memory, &lib->ft_lib );
> I've always felt that this is the way it's meant to be used! It doesn't
> look like a hack, and everything is documented. Also it works :)
> Basically, if I understand correctly, what Tom asked is already there.
> There's no need to modify ft_system.c, or invent new API calls.
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