On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 11:23 AM Nikolaus Waxweiler <madig...@gmail.com>

> > The thinking within the working group was that no one uses win
> > metrics, so we didn't encode their variations.  Indeed, the only time
> > one uses them these days is if typo and hhea metrics are not set...
> >
> But MVAR tags for win metrics exist?
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/mvar#value-tags
> 'hcla'  horizontal clipping ascent      OS/2.usWinAscent
> 'hcld'  horizontal clipping descent     OS/2.usWinDescent
> Or are they specifically for clipping avoidance and should never modify
> line metrics?

You are right.  Those are for clipping on older Windows systems.  Only if
there's no usable line size in hhea or typo ones should one use win.

> Then the code should be removed anyway from the MVAR
> apply function. I see in the HB code you linked that you use the typo
> metrics if the typo bit is set and hhea metrics otherwise. I can find
> no mention of win* metrics in the codebase. Should FreeType behave
> similarly? I.e.

> 1. If OS/2 table exists and typo bit is on, use typo metrics
> 2. Otherwise, use hhea metrics
> 3. Unless they are zero, then use typo metrics. If they are zero as
> well, so be it.
> (4. Always ignore win metrics)
> The comment given in sfobjs.c:1662 says that some ARIALNB.ttf has typo
> metrics set to zero. So, not sure about 4., maybe only for static fonts?
> I'm in a bit of a bind with Cantarell, as I already released a version
> that ships with GNOME and does not have the typo bit set. Grr. I guess
> I need to look into how to make GTK or whatever add line gap somewhere
> or change the metrics around...

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