>> You can check out the demo here:
>> https://github.com/preversewharf45/ft2sdf-demo The build process is
>> the same as ft2-demos. The freetype2 library is added as a submodule
>> so use --recursive.
> It's actually `--recurse-submodules`..

I think they are both the same. They both do exactly the same thing
for git clone.
The ` --recurse-submodules` was added later to avoid confusion or

> On GNU/Linux the image is mirrored vertically – do you mean this with
> 'only works properly on Windows'?

No, I was talking about the weird computation differences in linux and
windows which I fixed in this commit:
The image is upside down in linux maybe because in linux the y = 0
is at the the top which is different from windows. I'll fix it soon while
adding bilinear filtering.

> Besides that: Very nice!

Thank you very much for checking it out.


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