>> I still think that for such cases the number of iterations of the
>> affected tests should be increased to get more precise values.
> the times are for single iteration. (chunk median/chunk size)

Yes, but the number of iterations is the same regardless whether a
test takes 10µs or 1000µs – I suspect that it is necessary to either
increase the number of iterations for the former case or to do bulk
tests.  With 'bulk test' I mean that you don't time single iterations
but do timings for 10 iterations in a group, say, thus avoiding issues
with the granularity of the OS timing functions.

I refuse to believe that we have to live with timing differences of
more than 50%.

BTW, have you checked whether replacing `CLOCK_REALTIME` with
`CLOCK_MONOTONIC` gives better results?

What platform do you actually develop on?  What #if clause in
function `get_time` of `ftbench.c` is run on your computer?


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