Hi list,

 Now I have a question about problem in "bold" rendering with some 
 font, for example VLGothic font (http://dicey.org/vlgothic/).

 See example in http://d.ma-aya.to/images/20060925_0.png .
 1st and 3rd line is non-bold font, 2nd and 4th are bold.
 "0" font in 2nd line should be bold one, but it shapes thin, though.

 This problem shows with freetype 2.2.1-5 in Debian unstable.
 But there is no problem with freetype 2.1.7-6 (in Debian stable)
 and vlgothic upstream author also says vlgothic font with freetype 
 2.1 in Vine Linux (http://vinelinux.org) has no such problem.
 Is problem in that font or freetype?
 If problem is in font, how do I check and fix it?



 Hideki Yamane    henrich @ debian.or.jp/samba.gr.jp/iijmio-mail.jp

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