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> I try to compile FreeType in the home directory, but it still
> doesn't work, and the same error occurs.
>   CreateProcess(NULL, gcc -ansi -pedantic -I./objs \
>                           -I./builds/windows -I./include -c -g \
>                           -O3 -Wall -DFT2_BUILD_LIBRARY \
>                           -o objs/ftsystem.o \
>                           src/base/ftsystem.c, ...) failed.
>   make (e=2): 系统找不到指定的文件。
>               (The system cannot find the specified file)

Hmm.  Can you run `gcc` from the command line at all?  Have you tried
to compile a simple file?

Or, maybe, does information from the following link help?



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