Hi Peter,

Thanks for the response.

I can reproduce the issue in OpenSUSE as well. I just sent Werner some
comparison screenshots.

Apologies for the confusing email.


On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 4:35 PM pg--- via FreeType users <
freetype@nongnu.org> wrote:

> > I'm curious why many scaled fonts look perfect in Ubuntu 16
> > (freetype 2.6.1) , but terrible in Ubuntu 20 (2.10.1). To
> > reproduce in Ubuntu 20:
> Perhaps you should ask on an Ubuntu mailing list, as you
> describe an Ubuntu issue, the assumption that Freetype is
> involved is not entirely plausible.
> > 1. $ xfontsel -scaled
> > 2. Select these options:  fndry=misc, family=fixed, pxlsz=17.
> > 3. Observe ugly font.
> > 4. Try other settings, notice how everything is ugly.
> > I came across the issue when I had to get the X server working
> > with a legacy application running in a VM.
> Perhaps you should also ask whoever setup the font configuration
> in that VM.
> > The app requests a scaled Liberation font
> That is confusing: If the way to reproduce is to choose a
> 'fixed' font, why mention Liberation here?
> > in XLFD format.
> XLFD is a font selection syntax, while PCF and TTF are font
> formats. If Ubuntu were using PCF fonts (and 'fixed' usually is
> a PCF font) to satisfy requests in XLFD syntax, since they are
> not outline but bitmap based they look bad when scaled by the
> X11 font system.

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