
According to

ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.37/lib/libpng16.dylib, 
building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64

The dylib in your celler seems to be built for x86_64, however I'm not sure 
because I'm unfamiliar with the error messages from macOS toolchains and 
homebrew, I don't know how such mismatch happens.

Please pack everything of your FreeType working directory including the source, 
config.log, config.status, other object files etc, by tar (+ gzip, if needed), 
and sent it to me. I would write another off-list email to you, including the 
URL of the personal uploader.

On 2021/10/11 20:52, 13432380...@163.com wrote:
Hello ,
Good day.

I’m trying to configure freetype on  MacBook M1, however, I recieved the error 
message. I don’t know how to figure out the problem.could you please give me a 
When I proceed ‘./configure’, I got  this message :
Library configuration:
  external zlib: yes (pkg-config)
  bzip2:         yes (autoconf test)
  libpng:        yes (pkg-config)
  harfbuzz:      no
  brotli:        no
Then  I try  to make and this time I  got  the error message :
ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.37/lib/libpng16.dylib, 
building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_png_create_info_struct", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_create_read_struct", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_destroy_read_struct", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_error", referenced from:
      _read_data_from_FT_Stream in sfnt.o
  "_png_get_IHDR", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_get_error_ptr", referenced from:
      _error_callback in sfnt.o
      _read_data_from_FT_Stream in sfnt.o
  "_png_get_io_ptr", referenced from:
      _read_data_from_FT_Stream in sfnt.o
  "_png_get_valid", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_read_end", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_read_image", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_read_info", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_read_update_info", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_filler", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_gray_to_rgb", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_interlace_handling", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_longjmp_fn", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
      _error_callback in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_packing", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_palette_to_rgb", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_read_fn", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_read_user_transform_fn", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_strip_16", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
  "_png_set_tRNS_to_alpha", referenced from:
      _Load_SBit_Png in sfnt.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [/Users/qiuyier/Downloads/freetype-2.10.4/objs/libfreetype.la] Error 1

Many Thanks.

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