
they did it again... imdb has changed a few things and broke the imdb
plugin. HereĀ“s the log:

item.name="Beneath The Planet Of The Apes"
item.filename="/home/lyra/dvd/Beneath The Planet Of The Apes/Beneath
The Planet Of The Apes.avi"
url: http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt;site=aka;q=beneath%20planet%20of%20apes%20
[(u'0065462', None, '0000', ''), (u'0065462', u'Beneath the Planet of
the Apes', u'1970', ''), (u'0069768', None, '0000', ''
), (u'0069768', u'Battle for the Planet of the Apes', u'1973', ''),
(u'0207332', None, '0000', ''), (u'0207332', u'Behind th
e Planet of the Apes', u'1998', u'TV'), (u'0293514', u'Planet of the
Apes: Rule the Planet', u'2001', u'TV'), (u'0133152', N
one, '0000', ''), (u'0133152', u'Planet of the Apes', u'2001', ''),
(u'0063442', None, '0000', ''), (u'0063442', u'Planet of
 the Apes', u'1968', ''), (u'0067065', None, '0000', ''), (u'0067065',
u'Escape from the Planet of the Apes', u'1971', ''),
(u'0068408', None, '0000', ''), (u'0068408', u'Conquest of the Planet
of the Apes', u'1972', ''), (u'0071033', None, '0000',
 ''), (u'0071033', u'"Planet of the Apes"', u'1974', ''), (u'0071184',
u'Back to the Planet of the Apes', u'1981', u'TV'), (
u'0207267', None, '0000', ''), (u'0207267', u'"Return to the Planet of
the Apes"', u'1975', ''), (u'0379782', u'Farewell to
the Planet of the Apes', u'1981', u'TV'), (u'0370925', None, '0000',
''), (u'0370925', u"The Making of 'Planet of the Apes'"
, u'2001', u'TV'), (u'0292190', u'Planet of the Apes', u'2001',
u'VG'), (u'0428849', u'Monsterama: Planet of the Apes Collec
tibles', u'2003', u'TV'), (u'0387203', u'Escape from the Planet of the
Tapes', u'2003', u'TV'), (u'0376078', None, '0000', '
'), (u'0376078', u'Planet of the Erotic Ape', u'2002', u'V'),
(u'0395933', u"Adventure 'A': Planet of Death", u'1982', u'VG'
), (u'0976101', u'Death of the Red Planet', u'1973', ''), (u'0282425',
u'The Dark Planet', u'1989', u'V')]
imdb_search: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'

Christian Lyra

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