F R E N D Z  of martian
>Greetings everyone on the IR (Internet Rights) list..  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>We are about to begin a new phase in the life of this list. Below is a
>message from Chris Bailey which gives a brief outline of the origins of the
>list, introduces some new members to the list and suggests new directions
>for the list.
>We would like to see this list become a strategic planning and work list,
>which has concrete objectives and goals, recommendations, outcomes and
>actions. To achieve this, and considering our experience of working
>'online', we will be preparing an agenda and providing some facilitation
>for the list.
>I will facilitate the list initially, but hope that at some point quite
>soon, after we get used to working together, that someone else might like
>to take on that role. Chris will provide more substantive input in terms of
>drafting an agenda, and i hope everyone will contribute with feedback, and
>suggestions for how we can make this a really productive working list.
>Chris and I will be attending the APC Council meeting next week where the
>Internet Rights Project will be firmly on the meeting agenda. During the
>meeting, we will be working on a draft agenda for this list and will post
>it is as soon as possible.
>My name is karen banks, and I have worked at GreenNet for almost 10 years
>now. In the next posting, i'm going to introduce myself a little more, and
>ask everyone else on the list to do likewise, if they feel comfortable
>doing so. (please wait for the next posting asking for introductions rather
>than replying to this message..)
>so, here's a message from chris.. and welcome to our new members..
> karen banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Internet Rights list was first setup for discussion between people in
>Britain who had contacted GreenNet to say they supported our campaign
>against the government's proposed amendments to the Interception of
>Communications Act, which later becoming part of the Regulation of
>Investigatory Powers Bill.
>Recently more and more people have been contacting us from outside Britain
>wanting to know how they can help in opposing the Bill and also wanting to
>discuss the implications of the Bill internationally. At the recent
>Computers, Freedom and Privacy 2000 Conference in Toronto a good discussion
>on this took place at a fringe meeting on the RIP Bill and a number of
>people expressed a wish for the discussion to continue online.
>At the same time people involved in opposing similar legislation elsewhere
>in the world (Japan, Zimbabwe) have also contacted us to share experiences. 
>We have just put all these people onto the list. This changes the nature of
>the list somewhat, but we feel it is very much for the good. We would like
>to welcome all the new people onto the list. Introductions from both new
>people and old would be a good idea at this point. We propose that the list
>continues to discuss the RIP Bill, but as part of a wider discussion on the
>rights of Internet users in the face of growing trends towards both
>commercialisation and government regulation.  
>It would be good if some of the new people outside Britain could give us
>their thoughts or questions about the implications of the Bill. It would
>also be useful if our colleagues from Zimbabwe and Japan could tell us
>something about the legislation that is proceeding there. 
>Chris Bailey
************One cool dude by the way**********
>GreenNet Internet Rights Campaign against the RIP Bill
>                  GreenNet Limited/GreenNet Educational Trust
>      Bradley Close, 74-77 White Lion Street, London, N1 9PF, England
>                          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                  tel: +44/171-713-1941  fax: +44/171-837-5551
>    =====================================================================

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