F R E N D Z  of martian

I've got a quick question about ISDN... I've got a ISDN box on the wall of
my bus and an ISDN modem attached to the serial port of my laptop (I've
also got a gold-card PSION modem which is ISDN ready, but no cable)....
we've also got an office truck about 20-30 meters away (by cable length
rather than distance)... ideally, I'd like to work from the office truck
not the bus (it's an old TVS microwave hookup vehicle).....do you happen
to know the maximum cable distance between the Terminal Adapter on the
wall and the ISDN modem, or will I have to set up a computer running diald
next to the box on the bus and ethernet to the office trailer, or can I
just extend the UTP CAT5 cable from the modem to the TA?

Alternatively, I could move the Terminal Adapter across the bus, but then
I have no phone in the bus... unless I buy a hideously expensive radio
ISDN phone....


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