
I think the idea of using togas to denote status at 632 is inspired. Here's
what the different togas used to signify (from
http://ancient-culture.suite101.com/). I presume that Steve gets the *toga
picta*. I'll leave it to others to suggest additional person-toga mappings.

*Toga virilis* – made of undyed wool, this toga was off-white in color and
was the "everyday" toga for an adult male citizen.

*Toga praetexta* – Also off-white in color, this toga featured a wide purple
border that denoted the wearer was a Senator or some type of
such as an 
consul <http://ancienthistory.suite101.com/article.cfm/what_is_a_consul>.
Stripes of varying width would have indicated the specific government

*Toga pulla* – this toga was a dark gray or brown garment that was reserved
for periods of mourning.

*Toga candida* – A toga for political candidates, its bright white-dyed
color symbolized the candidate's purity and honesty.

*Toga picta* – this special toga was dyed purple (the color of royalty), and
featured elaborate gold embroidery. It was worn by victorious generals
during triumphal
and later by Emperors for official state events.

On Nov 27, 2007 3:15 PM, Prof David West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have spent too much time thinking about this and too little actually
> putting the ideas on paper.  Consider the attached to be an outline that
> will be collectively developed and elaborated - or summarily rejected.
> Warning - the attached is highly idiosyncratic and biased, even though
> it is based on observations and interactions with the 632 and Friam
> community.
> Feedback - even jeers and catcalls - welcomed.
> dave west
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