Ann Racuya-Robbins wrote:

I agree here again…the possibility of  ridicule and  being willing to be considered a fool are involved in original insight (creativity). In fact even in this friam forum I have felt a kind of ridicule (you don’t know anything about mathematics) when I am making a point or something similar…and being encouraged to shut up and raising laughter (at me not with me). I am somewhat grizzled from experience so I expect this from time to time. But why are those who do this doing it? What is gained? I think being able to use mathematical symbology on the friam  would be wonderful but not if the syntax is not pliable to speak in new ways. And yes I invent constantly in every language I am able to.


Think of people whose jobs and families’ well being depend on being well thought of by others. How much ridicule can they stand. Not much.

Ann -

I, for one, applaud your willingness and ability to take the dismissal and/or ridicule that comes with this situation.  It has allowed your voice to be heard by at least a few.    The fact that you have been able to avoid "going away mad" has helped open a door, albeit small, between two traditionally polarized communities (factions?).  

The sfComplex's mission includes opening this door, even if many of us on one side of it are not well equipped to deal with what is on the other side, or what might come through it.  If it were easy, it would already have been done.

I don't know that I can begin to answer some of your questions, explicit or implicit, but perhaps we can start some kind of dialog in the subset of the community that is not having allergic reactions to your thoughts and words.   

I have been speaking with Mary-Charlotte Domandi (CC:ed here), from KSFR, who has good  experience in interviewing and interpreting amongst people and communities across a wide range.   I would like form a series of presentations and panel discussions that might give you and others more like you, a forum at the Complex where your ideas and thoughts are welcomed and discussed in the same manner as many of the more specific technical topics are presented.

Perhaps we can meet in-person at the Complex with Mary-Charlotte and others like myself who are more able to hear what you are trying to say, to get the dialog started and get something more formal started.  

FRIAM/sfComplex -

I also invite others on FRIAM to contact me and/or Ann directly if you can hear what she is trying to converse with us about and are interested in participatin.   I think Ann's point of view is easy for this community to dismiss, but I also think there are very important aspects of it that we need to hear if we want the conversation to be as broad and meaningful as it can be.

- Steve

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