
Have you checked the recently  opened University of the People
http://www.uopeople.com/ . Recently means last week.  Are you talking about
a model like this.


2009/5/8 Jochen Fromm <jfr...@t-online.de>

> I am currently reading a book about Alexander and
> Wilhelm von Humboldt, two German scientists of the
> 19th century. Wilhelm von Humboldt founded the
> Humboldt Universität 1810 in Berlin.
> Recently you discussed a city university for Santa Fe.
> In the 21st century, wouldn't it be nice to have a real
> online university available to the whole world? Of
> course there are Berkeley Webcasts and MIT Open
> Courseware, there are social communities of scientists,
> and there is Wikipedia. But there is no site which
> offers and combines all of these features.
> What do you think? Anyone interested? I am
> programming social communities in Ruby on Rails
> for a living, and could help building a suitable site.
> -J.
> ============================================================
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