Not the friendliest control panel is it? I ended up turning off local
storage (under Global Storage Settings) and setting other sites use of my
cam and mic to "Always Ask" (under Global Privacy and Global Security

-- R

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> What settings did you use at the adobe site?  It wasn't very clear to me
> what they all meant!  And my first visit ended up having the settings
> program go nuts and I had to kill it.
> In the bigger picture, Javascript (including the flash libraries) is part
> of the evolution of the browser being the desktop.  Apparently
> Javascript/Flash is the way the mic and camera are made available today.  I
> *want* the mic and camera to be included, but would like it to be innocuous.
>  This may not be possible.
> The W3C seems to have a lot of web standards, and the Javascript world is
> standardized under ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association).
>  Couldn't they together specify the way the mic/camera are managed?
> In the even larger picture: it seems to me that all languages, not just
> Javascript, should have a web subset that falls under sandbox or similar
> standardization.  Why not allow, for example, Python etc to be valid browser
> languages.  And I don't mean as simple applet-like extensions/plugins.  But
> something that can manage the DOM itself, that is literally integrated into
> the browser itself.  And thus also able to deal with the mic/camera.
> Chrome is said to be looking into this.
>    -- Owen
> On Sep 15, 2009, at 7:00 AM, Robert Holmes wrote:
>  Flash has it's own version of cookies that not many people know about and
>> are hard to delete. See
>> If you want to delete them or stop them getting dropped on your computer
>> you actually need to use a control panel on the Adobe site:
>> -- Robert
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