See abstract below. The article is open source ( if anyone is

The conclusions are

"The authors interpret these differences in terms of two design principles. The
need for cost-effectiveness (or reusability) is central in programming, and
robustness—that is, resistance to breakdown due to failure of a part—is the
driving factor in biological systems. Evolution, they speculate, goes from top
to bottom in software, but from bottom to top in biological systems."

I'm not sure I believe that either the comparisons or the conclusions are
completely valid.  But it's an interesting comparison. Software evolves at
all levels. But doesn't biology also? Aren't lower level functions perfected
after being incorporated into higher level entities?  It seems to me that
biology is just messier and less well designed.  No one refactors biological
systems. But it seems like the redundancy produces more robustness.

-- Russ

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Science Editors' Choice <>
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Science CiteTrack: Editors' Choice: Highlights of the recent
To: rabb...@calstatela.edusystems Biology:

 [image: Figure 1] *E. coli* (left) and Linux (right) networks


 Yan *et al.* have compared the transcriptional control network in the
bacterium *Escherichia coli* to the network depiction (known as the call
graph) of the Linux kernel, which is the central component of a highly
popular operating system. Both systems feature (i) master regulators (yellow
in the graphic), which send directions to targets; (ii) middle managers
(red), which both send and receive orders; and (iii) workhorses (green), which
are controlled but do not control others. For the bacterium, there are lots
of workhorses but relatively few regulators at the other levels. The Linux
call graph is top-heavy or more populated at the master regulator and
middle-manager levels. In other words, a workhorse in the transcriptional
network usually has only a few supervisors, but in Linux, a workhorse
answers to a large number of regulators. The authors also contrasted evolution
in the two systems by looking at the functions that persist in 24 versions
of the Linux source code relative to genes that persist in 200
phylogenetically distinct bacteria. For *E. coli*, the workhorses showed the
greatest persistence, whereas for Linux, there was persistence at all three
levels, but mostly in the master regulators and middle managers. The authors
interpret these differences in terms of two design principles. The need for
cost-effectiveness (or reusability) is central in programming, and
robustness—that is, resistance to breakdown due to failure of a part—is the
driving factor in biological systems. Evolution, they speculate, goes from top
to bottom in software, but from bottom to top in biological systems.

*Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.* *107*, 9186 (2010).
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