Thanks for such a balanced and thoughtful message. Thank goodness for ramblings 
and ramblers


On Feb 14, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

> "Some people say we never use nuclear weapons. The truth is we use nuclear 
> weapons every day to keep the world safe..."
> -The Honorable Andrew C. Weber, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, 
> Chemical and Biological Defense Programs
> "If you came upon two men in the road with one fist gripping eachother's 
> collar and the other cocked back ready to strike, but not yet having struck, 
> would you call that Peace?"
> - The Dalai Lama, Spiritual and (formerly) political leader of the Tibetan 
> people and a worldwide Buddhist Community
> <rambling personal anecdote>
> </rambling personal anecdote>
> - Steve
>> On Feb 12, 2012, at 6:23 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>>> When I spent 2 years at Syracuse University helping 273 draftees avoid 
>>> going to the failed Vietnam war, I was completely surprised by the 
>>> military: they were smart, willing to listen, and amazingly, decided to let 
>>> 273 war protesters not go to the war.
>>> This was in stark contrast with the civilian authorities (the Draft Board) 
>>> who were deaf, dumb and blind in comparison.
>>> So this led me to watch this strange TEDx where the talk was on "Why I 
>>> chose a gun" 
>>>    -- Owen

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